Meet the Board and Staff

Ian Sweetland

Originally trained as a mining engineer and thus encompassing a wide range of skills I emerged into the light so to speak as the coal industry shrunk.  I used my technical skills to move into design, sales and marketing of capital goods for life safety systems in international infrastructure projects.  In 2000 I began my own company as an independent consulting engineer and technical specialist operating in various roles from contractor to clients engineer and claims management.


In aviation, at age 10 and as a keen aeromodeller, colour blindness put paid to my intended career as a commercial pilot, until aged 40 when learnt to fly in the USA.  I had shares in several certified and permit types, and until I ordered a Vans kit in late 2010 and a second build in 2020.


I’m a member of the West of Scotland Strut.  At grass roots level the organisation is both experienced and helpful.  That ethos is a core value that should continue and ideally grow membership too.


General aviation’s voice, from all quarters, needs to be heard and importantly in the various Airspace Change Procedures, and TDA’s underway in Scotland as elsewhere and where I’ve been representing the LAA and collaborating with the GAA to present and effective response.

Photography (mostly) Neil Wilson

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